It is now two months since ECI joined BRE. I am happy to report that the transition is working well and the ECI, BRE and CE organisations are becoming well acquainted. While this has been happening we have not stood still and events planned for this year have been arranged. Please note that due to low numbers the Community of Practice Forum on 9 November 2017 has been postponed till the same day as the event on the use of technology in Engineering Construction on 7 December 2017 in central London. This event will be free of charge, but spaces are limited and therefore early registration is advisable to be sure of a place, find out more and register here. We are continuing to build our relationship with CII and we expect to be hosting jointly an event early next year in Europe – more on this in the next Newsletter.
We have already canvassed ideas for next year – recent suggestions include further client/epc contractor round tables and developing a construction management training programme. Are these subjects that interest your organisation? What else would you like us to do? Please let us have your thoughts – remember, the ECI is there for you the members but we need your input as to what you want us to do.
Winning and executing projects that enhance shareholder value and utilise capital effectively and efficiently continues to be a major challenge in the current market climate – at the date of writing the oil price remains below USD 60 per barrel. It is clear that there needs to be radical change to the way Engineering Construction conducts its business globally so that all stakeholders benefit from participation in projects that the world needs. The ECI, in collaboration with partner organisations can be the collective voice of industry that initiates and promotes the necessary change. But, it is you the ECI members, that are, in Europe, the industry – owners, contractors, vendors, suppliers, consultants – what change do you want to see …and what are you prepared to do to see the change implemented that you require? The next edition of the ECI Newsletter will include a regular item regarding changes that members want to see in the Engineering Construction industry – are you and your organisation willing to contribute? Why not let us have your ideas to share with fellow members?
While it is early days, I am more than convinced that joining BRE was the right thing to do for ECI and BRE because this represents a significant opportunity for the ECI membership. However, it is for the membership to identify those opportunities and to contribute to realising them. The ECI is the catalyst and the membership is the active agent – neither can flourish without the other. I know everybody is very busy with day jobs that must take priority but, please, do take time to contribute, no matter how small, to help the ECI flourish for the benefit of you and fellow members.