It is essential to avoid a repeat of the Carillion story in Engineering Construction. We can change for the better the fortunes and destiny of organisations engaged in Engineering Construction by taking action as an industry – NOW.
All ECI members will have by now received their invitations to Existential Crisis – Rethinking Capital Programme Delivery event that is being co-sponsored by ECI & CII and hosted by Fluor in their office in Amsterdam on 21 February 2018. Invitations have also been extended to CII members and guests of ECI and CII. If you have received your invitation then please do register to attend. If you have not received an invitation then please register to attend here. If you have a client or supply chain partner who you believe should attend then please extend an invitation to them.
So far we have received great enthusiasm and support for this event “…What a great subject for this seminar! Such a relevant topic for the industry right now, and pleased to see ECI taking a role in facilitating this discussion…” (Paul van Weert, Shell).
So far 48 people have already registered. If you and your guests would like to attend then I recommend early registration. I hope to welcome very many members and your guests to this event in Amsterdam on 21 February 2018.