The ECI Network


Our members represent a cross-section of the Engineering Construction supply chain and include clients, Engineering Procurement and Construction (EPC) organisations, specialist subcontractors, suppliers and professional service organisations. They range in size and type, from SMEs to multinational corporations, and include academic institutions and not-for-profit industry bodies.

ECI is focussed on supporting its members in the delivery of construction excellence, to help improve their competitiveness and meet the challenges of world-class project delivery in Construction and Engineering Construction.
 Air Products  ECITB Fluor gsk Kingsfield Consulting Loughborough University Mammoet McKinsey p-and-g   sellafield shell synaps Tecnimont WSP


Delivering maximum added-value for our members

  • ECI has global links with like-minded Engineering Construction industry organisations such as:


  • ECI offers an implementation support capability to its members who are seeking to introduce new best practice initiatives.
  • ECI recognises and rewards excellence through a series of annual competitions, which are open to members.